Our Mission

To Create a society in which an informed and active citizenry is sovereign and makes policy decision based on the will of the Majority.

Our Vision

Everyone Knows about Human rights concepts, use and implementation in their life and Human rights education from school level.

Our Programs

Bharath human rights mission programme is supported by government officials, human rights groups and educators all over india to teach human rights.

Bharath Human Rights Mission (BHRM I)

Reg No. 14/2020/04 Incorporated Under Legislation og Govt.of India

The Bharath Human Rights Mission is a well-Known human rights organization registered in the state of India for human rights activism in the state of Pondicherry in 2014.

The Bharath Human Rights Mission is a grain of goodwill and cooperation among the elite of society. continuing cooperation ensues.

Head Office

Periya Kalapet, Ponducherry

Cooperative Office

HO.Old Register office, near Thejaswini hospital, Nileshwaram, Kasaragod (Dist),Kerala,India-671 314


Chairman Message

We greatly appreciate your concern for human rights . Although almost everyone agree that human rights are important , we have found that most people do not know what they are.

District Committee Member

State Committee Member

National Committee